Euro Cup 2012 - Snitch Dominates Once Again
First we want to thank so many who have continuously poured their thoughtful appreciation to what we have accomplished in Soccer & Basketball. We know so many of you are new followers and so many long time followers. Now we know what we do in soccer does not make sense. No one is supposed to continuously win literally not just win but in massive fashion. We truly love the questions, but how do we answer humbly? This is not just a Euro run. This has been a decade plus run in soccer. It is that simple. That is our answer. Instead of getting indulged with the "wow" factor of how the Snitch does it, let's embrace it. Accept it. This is something YOU have that is so RARE in any type of risk investments. Take advantage of it. Do not take it for granted. We sure do not.
Please stay focused on the end results: PROFITS......and not the "How's and Wow factors." These are very humbling questions. Some of the comments are actually embarrassing for us, because we do not deserve such praise. This is OUR JOBS. We do not do this recreational and spend SOOOOOOOOOO much money on contracts just for the heck of it. So, we are supposed to win and YOU are supposed to worry about the profits and end game. We all have a great thing. Embrace it. Do not take it for granted. Let's all just agree that we are fortunate to have what we have in all walks of life. Let's be honest. Everyone knows how difficult it is to even break even in sports betting...So just breaking even is YES like winning, because it prevented you from losing lots of money. Never take anything for granted. Never get complacent. We are thankful for YOUR support. This is about YOU. We EMBRACE YOU and that is the bottom-line!
May You Always Prosper in Great Health,
Vegas Sports Entertainment