How to Follow Picks and Plays
Quick Reference on How to play 'Snitch Play' Types:
Insider = 10% or 5 Unit Play
Perfect Storm = 6% or 3 Unit Play
Vault = 4% or 2 Unit Play
MD = 2% or 1 Unit Play
***Depending on your risk, you can ALWAYS play less than the maximum, BUT never exceed the maximum UNLESS specified by site, which will be probably never or very rare. STICK TO THE PLAN OUTLINED***
Understand that it is the MD's and Vaults that will determine your success with the Snitch. The MD's and Vaults are more important to the site than ANY other plays, because it is exposed every single day. Do not underrate these two plays. It's these plays that set up the Perfect Storm and Insider. Having said that, MOST MONEY in the preparation for football has been spent for such plays like the MD's and Vaults. WE WILL NOT LOSE THE MD'S AND VAULTS PERIOD!!! SO TAKE THEM SERIOUSLY. They are worth more than your favorite cappers Game of the Year's GUARANTEED!
Also, its very important to read the following to understand how to folllow the Snitch and how to invest with the Snitch:
'About Us' --> Rating System and Rules
--> Snitch Investing
--> Philosophy

How to Purchase Plays
Vegas Sports Entertainment has an easy, safe and guaranteed purchasing system. To purchase plays we have given you two choices for your own preference:
1) Buy via Credit Card through our shopping cart merchant services
2) Buy via Paypal - a standard and comfortable approach for many
How to purchase?
Click on the 'Buy' sign on the Snitch's Bubble at the top of any Snitch page. Or, navigated to the Snitch's Picks page, log in and click on the 'Buy' or 'Paypal' button to start the purchasing process. Once your purchase is complete you will get an instant receipt sent to your email address with the transaction ID and details. You will also be able to instantly see your purchase on your My Snitch Profile under 'Purchase History'
Further details on each buy process:
When buying via our shopping cart, the system will ask you to update your profile with your credit card information. This information is secure and only accessible via your password. The advantage is it gives you full control over your credit card information via your profile to make purchasing frequently easier. Storing is secure via our SSL secure certificate. If you choose not to store after you purchase you may opt to remove your credit card at your convenience. You may also change your credit card at your convenience.
When buying via Paypal, the system will take you directly to paypal to either pay with your already registered paypal account or simply via pay pal's secure merchant services that allows credit card processing. Paypal accepts all debit and credit cards and will instantly send you a transaction receipt for your purchase to your email. You will also be able to track your purchases there. We are proud to have Paypal integrated with our site as a prestigious and secure merchant service which we are in excellent standing with.
Remember, we are all about integrity. Please see our terms of service , Refund/Cancellation Policy and Privacy Policy.
We thank you for being a loyal Snitch follower. Remember, follow very carefully and trust what the pro's are doing. You have found a site that has proven guaranteed priceless information. Take advantage of the only way you can ever beat the books. As always, thank you for being part of the Snitch and we never ever leave anyone behind. We are here for you. We are here to protect you once and for all from making gambling on sports a dangerous proposition. Stay calm. Keep a cool head. There will be down days, but as you know, The Snitch always ends up on top. Same with the stocks. Please trust the pro's. If they are not panicking. Why should you? Remember, the Snitch keeps moving forward and so should you despite the results good or bad. Never let your emotions cloud your judgments. You are in great hands with the Snitch Team and we wish you the best of luck.
How to Use Sharp Tracker
Welcome to the only Inside Report to 100% Accurate Inside information in the world of sports investing. Vegas Sports Entertainment welcomes you to The Snitch's Sharp Tracker. This is where you get the most priceless commodity in sports betting: 100% ACCURATE INFORMATION inside the casino's, offshore sports books, syndicates, fund managers exact wagers, Vegas Consultants "leans" to the correct bet. This is the ONLY place on Earth the consultants give their opinions on what they believe is the correct wager on their lines. Imagine getting the opinions of who to bet on from the actual people who make the lines!!! NO ONE else can make these claims and nor will they EVER! Oh there is much more that goes on INSIDE the industry than what we briefed you about above. It would take the entire page. So, we now clear the way for you to enjoy the ONLY available Sharp Tracker in the entire world to give you the 100% Accurate Inside Information in the world of sports.
Recommend Usage of the Sharp Tracker
- Remember this is just a tool with actual information to give you insights on what is happening. This includes how much money is being wagered (from our Top 18 Casino & Sports Book Monitor) at each casino by the sharps, the gambling public, by the syndicates, fund mangers, successful casino managers, ex odds makers, and thousands of other ways to get insights. We track more than just casinos as we have contracts with casinos, online books, and many other resources. We even get significant data from yes……Locals.
- Keep in mind this is a tool that shows you who is betting what and for how much and why. Over time you must monitor what works for you and what resources do well for you and which ones do not. Make your own trends. We simply tell you who is betting where and why and for how much. That DOESN'T mean you have to do the same. You WILL however notice VERY quickly the resources posted will win at much better levels than the average sports gambler. That we can guarantee. But, as with everything, tools are only as good as their captains. This is a PRICELESS tool in which we acknowledge by law our accurate information which NO ONE else can EVER claim.
- Remember the Insiders that you will see wagering have done this their entire lives as pro's. Do not ever get discouraged if they hit a bad run (that is if you follow them) What makes them so special is their ability to realize losses are part of the game and that losses are healthy if you are a long term investor in anything. Losses bring you to reality to help you always think clearly. Remember to not be unrealistic. You are not going to win every day and every week, and unfortunately every month. You will notice many times these Insiders win in astronomical fashions. This "might" create to much euphoric and unrealistic expectations. Do not start chasing these guys plays with maximum bets and doubling down if they lose. Be realistic. This is gambling, and RISK ALWAYS RULES EVERY MARKET.
- Only use this tool if you are willing to coattail Insiders long term. To do that you must stop betting on games for an "ego high" to pound your chest after a win…."Look at me, I'm the greatest." Think about it, is your hard earned money really worth suffering because of ego? Look if you're going to gamble, do it responsibly. At least follow PROVEN insiders. You must REALLY want to do this because you're only goal is financial gains. Whether you choose to use this tool or not, we really want the best for you. Please do not wager on "gut feelings" or thinking you know something by simply watching games on TV, etc. It is NOT worth it. Let professionals do the job for you. Make them sweat and bleed. All you have to do is coattail. Do you think we have any problems coat tailing? Hey let the other guy risk his hard earned money to massage his ego, while you simply keep making money. When you get in this mode, you will realize how irrational ego gamblers really are. Look everyone has a profession. Just like you do not want people to do your job, because you are a pro at it, so why not let the pro's do their job here?
- Remember, we are a resource connecter. Meaning we connect you to the Inside resources. We are NOT handicapping games for you. If you want us to pick games with gut feelings and silly trends, we can point you to millions of sports services that have no clue, but have a lot of gut feelings, because they played high school football. We are what our name says, We SNITCH information for you.
- Remember- "we hear it before they say it"